Building your boat...

My Custom Boat

Please provide your contact information. We will only use this information you help us complete the customization of your own Barker.

Transmitting Your Request...

Your Buildsheet

Please review and sign your build sheet before submitting to Barker.

Please enter your credit card or bank account information. A deposit amount of 0 is required.

Transmitting Your Request...


Customizing Your Barker Is Easy!

Customize your Barker by selecting your options from the panel on the left. View your selections by rotating, panning and zooming the boat.

To rotate click, hold and drag

To zoom, spin the wheel

To pan click, hold and drag


This app is not designed to run on mobile devices

The technology required to run this application requires capabilities currently available on desktops only. To customize your Barker, please access this page on a desktop device.

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